What does a Missions-minded Church look like?

Founded by American missionaries Marvin and Pat Matthews in 1974, Metropolitan Baptist Church has always valued missions.

Within a year of starting, the First Missions Conference was held and funds were committed to the Faith Promise Missions Program of the Church.

Our first Australian home missionaries were the Ringwaldt family, church planting in South Australia (September 1975), and the Pinero family, the first Australian foreign missionaries to New Caledonia (January 1984).

With God’s calling upon Tony Evans to the Japanese people, on January 18, 1992, the Evans family arrived in Japan. Suzuran Bible Baptist Church began in 1994. This ministry continues to this day through the faithful service of the Evans family.

Metropolitan Baptist Church has also sent out and currently supports Marco and Trini DeLeon (Hurstville), Lilia Eti (Ecuador), James and Cindy Herringson (Mauritius), and the Harvest Ministry of Exhortation.

The Missions program, and the list of missionaries we support, have continued to grow through the years with more funds now given to Missions than kept by the Church.

During that time members of the Church have been involved in Missions trips to Japan, Tanzania, Ecuador, Vanuatu, and Israel to offer practical support to our serving missionaries.

As we celebrate 50 years of missions at Metropolitan Baptist Church this June we give all glory to God for gathering together a Church family that takes the ‘Great Commission’ seriously.

“For we are labourers together with God:” 1 Corinthians 3:9a

How to pray for our Missionaries

•             Pray specifically for each family member that they will grow spiritually and impact their field.

•             Pray for spiritual strongholds to be broken down

•             Pray for souls to be saved & discipled

•             Pray for longevity and deliverance from discouragement

•             Pray for each family member’s physical health and well-being

•             Pray for the faithful giving of God’s people to enable the missionary to focus on the ministry’s needs.